“You’re a yogini now.” A yogini: The female origin of a practicing male yogi; having a steadfast mind cultivated by the disciplined pursuit of transcendence through Yoga—or at least that’s what Wikipedia said. The definition is correct in that I am female, and yes I’m attempting to be disciplined with Yoga, or anything in my life for that matter, but what is this pursuit of transcendence? And is my mind steadfast?
In my daily practice I am always met with variations of distractions:
“Did I pay my phone bill?” “No. Now let that thought go.”
“What should I eat for dinner?” “Pasta. Now let that thought go.”
“I wish I could get my leg up a little higher.” “In time. Now let that thought go.”
My former instructor, Erika, would always say during our short sessions to acknowledge our thoughts and then let them go. But some days I feel bombarded with these pestering and unimportant questions. They attack me in my moments of silence just like they used to attack me before sleep. I don’t want to be that bad “put it off until tomorrow” person. I want to do today what I can do tomorrow, and more. But as a friend said to me today, “Step 1 before Step 5.”
This is truth. We must master our concentration to focus on the current, to focus on what is important, and what is true is this moment. It is not until we focus on our now that we will begin to live back in the today.
Tomorrow is a beautiful imaginary place that we will never reach. So find your today and master it. Be the owner of your todays, everyday. With this peace and mastery there will be no room for yesterdays regrets or tomorrows wishes. You will become the owner of your thoughts and the silence in your practice. What a beautiful place that is.
Love and Namaste.
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