But where's the joy in that?
Two more minutes and my tea should be brewed. My Sense of Peace.
This artfully crafted, recyclable tin sits, filled with lovingly blended sachets, on the shelf above my computer. It blends in with all the trinkets I've placed up there. Throughout the day my eyes gaze up and delight in these small trinkets, which bring me joy, peace, solace, and nostalgia. A picture of an airplane taking off and a small statue of the Eiffel Tower remind me of travel, a Mariksa doll and picture of my little sister remind me of childhood, origami, a model MINI cooper, a picture of my boyfriend, and a yellow piggybank all create various emotions—happiness mostly. I let my eyes dance around the objects until they undoubtedly land back on that tin...teatime.
Two minutes up… I sip on “Sense of Peace” and white tea created by Master Blender Zhena Muzyka of Ojai California. Her “Gypsy” teas are becoming a sweet addiction, one that I share with family, friends, colleagues, and yogis alike. I like to think about this kind-hearted woman gently blending this tea for those she loves… even if she doesn’t know their name. She gifts the world with such a small token, but really (for me anyway) sitting down in the middle of a hectic workday and enjoying a cup really can impact the way I respond to things, the stress I feel or don’t feel, and may sense of peace.
There’s less than half a cup left now… time to return to reality.
With Peace.

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